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The Argus
 찾아주신 여러분 환영합니다.

Published monthly except the school holidays by and for students of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, The Argus, the oldest campus English newspaper in Korea, pursues the highest standard of campus journalism

The Argus, the oldest Campus English Newspaper in Korea established in 1954, pursues the highest standard of campus journalism and academic excellence. The Argus has undergone a transformation in 2006, from newspaper to magazine. The Argus is published monthly except the school holidays by and for students of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

Where did Argus come from? The legend of the Argus originates from Greek mythology. We know Zeus as the king of Greek gods and goddesses and that he was an unstoppable flirt, even Casanova could have gotten sick of. Zeus' wife, Hera was very jealous and tried to find a way to stop his habitual affairs he was having with other women. That's when she called for Argus.

Argus is a name of a gigantic monster. We are not talking about a simple monster from fairy tales here. This big creature have 100 eyes dangling from it's head! And it leaves its 30-40 eyes open even when asleep! So there was no way Zeus could ever escape from Argus' eyes.

The name of our newspaper, The Argus, is from this legendary creature. The world we are living is hard to go through, but The Argus promises to keep its eyes wide open at all times. This may help us to be aware of what is really going on around us. With keen eyes like those of Argus', we will work for justice and give cutting criticism to accord with the minds of the people. The Argus will always be there as a spokesman of HUFSan.

한국외국어대학교 영자 매거진 The Argus (디 아거스)는 1954년 본교의 설립과 함께 창립되어 한국 대학 최초의 영자신문사라는 타이틀과 함께 한국 대학 영자지의 선구자 역할을 수행해 나가고 있습니다.

아거스는 학생들의 목소리를 전하고, 학생들이 간과할 수 있는 중요한 가치들에 관심을 유도하며, 학생 기자의 시각에서 사회를 비판하는 대학생 언론으로서의 역할을 수행하고 있습니다.

아거스에서의 다양한 활동을 통해 넓은 시야와 비판의 눈을 갖춘 아거스 동문들은 언론사를 비롯한 사회의 다양한 분야에서 활약하고 있으며, 현 학생 기자들은 선배님들의 뒤를 이어 한국외대 영자 매거진으로서의 위상을 높이기 위해 앞으로도 노력할 것입니다.